Personal Qualities, Work Habits and Attitudes
I had many good work qualities before coming to ACLC, but through my experience here, but I furthered two of them the most. The first was responsibility, by senior year I did everything myself, I found the people I needed in order to accomplish my goals. I persevered when signing up for a college class in a day. I found the class, talked to the ACLC counselor to fit it into my schedule, got all the approving signatures, and completed the form. I then drove over to Laney college to get the counselor to approve my prerequisites, and get signed up for the class, all in one day. I then realized I signed up for the wrong class and had to go back the next day in order to correct my mistake.
The second was selflessness and humanity. At ACLC I joined leadership for two years and gave back to the community by approving proposals and adding my input. I also worked for two years at Hannah camp, the first year I was a counselor and the second I co-organized it as was one of the lead counselors. Hannah camp allows learners who are in junior and senior year to connect with new 6th and 7th graders. The juniors and seniors give the 6th and 7th graders people to look up to and people they can ask for help. This connects the community and helps new 6th and 7th graders transition to ACLC. I was able to grow my responsibility and selflessness, two things I will carry the rest of my life.
New basics
I have gotten mostly A’s with only two B’s in my high school career. This in itself shows my grasp of school-related topics. I went beyond this, in sophomore year I got a first place ribbon on my science fair project. On my own time, I have furthered my use of the scientific field I have built robots, doing everything soldering, building the structure, and programming. I helped build robots in robotics. I was a major part in designing and creating an exoskeleton arm that effectively took the weight of lifting a heavy object off of the arm. In mathematics, I took Calculus in my senior year at Laney college. In arts, I have drawn many drawings outside of school that are easily recognizable as what they are supposed to be and do not look deformed. This seems like a list rather than a dive into the topic…. Maybe focus on 2 things in more depth…. How has mastering hese New Basics given you insight into being a learner
Thinking and reasoning skills
My thinking and reasoning as always been hindered in the school setting. School was never real enough for me it dealt with abstract concepts that were more based on standards put in place by people than real functionality. I have already planned my future in multiple paths I have plans depending on what colleges I get in to. I have thought through the multiple paths my life can take and I understand what I need to do in the moment to accomplish that far off goal. Through my own research I have found they importance of the system we live in. I understand that if one puts effort in to their internet and news consumption we can hear both sides of the story enabling us to make better decisions on politics and how we add to our society. I also have good problem solving skills, I always persevered when I work on a robot or other electronic device, both in programming, electrical systems, and mechanical structure. For example when constructing an exoskeleton arm I had an issue where a linear actuator was in the way of the lifting a, I found a way to move it.
Interpersonal abilities
In robotics I had to work in a team and discuss and execute ideas to make the robot operate. At first I was not great at this I often fought with others and did not fully consider their ideas. As I went through years of robotics I have become far better at communicating with my peers. I now fully consider other people’s ideas and I go through the full list of pros and cons with them instead of fighting them on their ideas. In my senior year I was even elected president by those who I worked with.
Technology has been an essential part of doing work at ACLC. I have been able to create google docs, slides, and sheets. For Hannah camp these skills were most put to the test I had to organize slides, docs, and sheets in to multiple folders. It took a good knowledge of technology, knowing how to organize all these things in the depths of google drive. Within each slide, doc, and sheet another level of understanding was required how to format, import images, design, and so much more. I will definitely leave ACLC with an in depth understanding of how to use technology to complete work assignments.
Going forward I feel confident that with all of the skills that I have learned, I will be able to achieve. I will power through college, and take these skills and the ones I learn there into the workplace. I am ready to take on the challenges that will come as I move into a new stage of my life. I welcome the change willingly and I look forward to how I will grow.